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Kubernetes: Managing Containers at Scale

This course provides an overview of Kubernetes and the skills needed to deploy a standalone or multi-tier application. You'll learn the basics of pod deployments, networking, scaling, and security, and be equipped to deploy a production service in any cloud environment.

Instructor profile photo
Ian Miell
Partner, Container Solutions
Instructor profile photo
Armando Banuelos
Software Engineer & Educator
US$ 400
or included with membership
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Three Course Track in partnership with:

Linux Foundation and CNCF Logo

Course taught by expert instructors

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Ian Miell

Partner, Container Solutions

Ian Miell has over twenty years’ experience in software consulting on, writing, running, architecting, and maintaining software and infrastructure for dozens of businesses from large to small. He now focusses on unblocking organisations from making technical changes from the top to the bottom of the tech and management stacks.

He has written the book ‘Docker in Practice’ (published by Manning), ‘Learn Bash the Hard Way’, ‘Learn Git the Hard Way’, and ‘Learn Terraform the Hard Way’ (published on Leanpub), as well as various training courses for O’Reilly Media.

He blogs about his experiences at, and works for

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Armando Banuelos

Software Engineer & Educator

Armando Banuelos is a seasoned software engineer with a passion for driving technological advancements. Previously, he served as a Software Engineer at the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, where he contributed to groundbreaking projects impacting K12 education around the world. Previously, Armando was a Software Engineer at IBM, and has been involved in cutting-edge education throughout his career as a Machine Learning Course Developer at Stanford University. Armando holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Stanford University and a Master's degree in Computer Science from Georgia Tech.

The course

Learn and apply skills with real-world projects.

Who is it for?
  • Anyone interested in advancing their knowledge of production deployments with Kubernetes.

  • IT professionals interested in pursuing roles such as Operations, Site Reliability Engineering, and Platform Engineering.

  • Experience with the command line required

  • Working knowledge of at least one modern programming language (Go, Java, JavaScript, Python)

Not ready?

Try these prep courses first

  • Kubernetes overview and use-cases
  • Review of building and managing containers
  • Pods and manifests
  • Advanced pods features
  • Set up your first Kube cluster and deploy a simple webapp for an e-commerce startup.
  • ConfigMaps, Secrets, YAML configs for pods
  • Setting up namespaces
  • Setting up network policies
  • Deploy a load-balanced API service as the startup scales, while also scaling the deployment to be multi-region.
  • Application, platform, orchestrator and system logs and metrics
  • Debugging workflows
  • Debug production issues at the node, pod and service levels. Following best practices for exploring health checks, logs, and node initialization best practices.
  • Overview of tools for Kubernetes
  • Working with Grafana and Prometheus
  • Integrate Grafana and Prometheus into the service for monitoring and data visualization.

A course you'll actually complete. AI-powered learning that drives results.

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Accelerate your learning with projects that mirror the work done at industry-leading tech companies. Put your skills to the test and start applying them today.

Flexible schedule for busy professionals

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