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Modern Software Engineering

This course is designed to equip you with a comprehensive understanding of modern software engineering tools, processes, and practices, specifically in the context of building, deploying, and operating web services in a public cloud environment. Through hands-on experience, you'll learn how to set up a software delivery system, produce a software artifact, and successfully deploy it in a production environment. The course is designed to focus on industry-relevant tools and practices, informed by Nikolai Avteniev's extensive experience at industry giants such as LinkedIn and Stripe. By the end of this course, you'll have the practical skills and knowledge needed to excel in the field of software engineering.

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Nikolai Avteniev
Agile Software Developer
US$ 400
or included with membership
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Course taught by expert instructors

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Nikolai Avteniev

Agile Software Developer

Nikolai is a Staff Software Engineering at Stripe. Prior to that he was a Tech Lead on LinkedIn’s Developer Productivity and Happiness team focused on evolving LinkedIn’s software engineering system. Nikolai’s career spans more than twenty years building software in a variety of environments, from large banks, JPMorgan Chase, to boutique software shops, Real Time Risk System, VC Funded NYC Ad Tech startups, Intent Media, to Silicon Valley, LinkedIn. Nikolai earned a graduate degree in Computer Science from NYU, and is an Adjunct CS instructor at the City College of New York.

The course

Learn and apply skills with real-world projects.

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A course you'll actually complete. AI-powered learning that drives results.

AI-powered learning

Transform your learning programs with personalized learning. Real-time feedback, hints at just the right moment, and the support for learners when they need it, driving 15x engagement.

Live courses by leading experts

Our instructors are renowned experts in AI, data, engineering, product, and business. Deep dive through always-current live sessions and round-the-clock support.

Practice on the cutting edge

Accelerate your learning with projects that mirror the work done at industry-leading tech companies. Put your skills to the test and start applying them today.

Flexible schedule for busy professionals

We know you’re busy, so we made it flexible. Attend live events or review the materials at your own pace. Our course team and global community will support you every step of the way.


Completion certificates

Each course comes with a certificate for learners to add to their resume.

Best-in-class outcomes

15-20x engagement compared to async courses

Support & accountability

You are never alone, we provide support throughout the course.

Get reimbursed by your company

More than half of learners get their Courses and Memberships reimbursed by their company.

Hundreds of companies have dedicated L&D and education budgets that have covered the costs.


Frequently Asked Questions