Dennis Hume
Dennis Hume
Senior DevEx Engineer at Materialize

Dennis is a Senior DevEx Engineer at Materialize. He has over a decade+ experience in the data space, focusing on platform engineering and data infrastructure. He has helped many companies improve their data stacks, starting from Wolfram Alpha and Epic, and most recently Dutchie and Drizly.

Data Engineering with Dagster
Created and Taught By
Dennis Hume - Instructor photo
Senior DevEx Engineer at Materialize
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Dennis Hume is an expert and mentor on how to build out data platforms and support data teams. Dennis knows the past/present/future of the modern data stack intimately, and how to enable companies to graduate from analytics engineering batch SQL workflows to realtime, python, and machine learning services. He's a leading voice in the data community (see his talks on Dagster, Materialize, Modern Data Stack conference, and more). Any analytics engineer or data scientist would be lucky to work with Denins, and anyone lucky enough to learn from Dennis should hop at the opportunity!

Ian MacomberHead of Analytics and Architecture of Ramp

Dennis brings with him ample industry experience when it comes to designing and delivering on data platform solutions. In addition to building out the data platform at Drizly, he has been instrumental in leveling up others on topics pertaining to the data space. The clarity of thought and the structured approach to delivering solutions makes it very easy for one to engage and learn with Dennis.

Antall FernandesDirector of Engineering at Till Financial

Dennis has created a truly incredible class here. The course material and projects are focused on practical solutions to building world class data platforms. This is a must take course for folks and companies aiming to level up their data engineering skillset. Honestly, couldn't say enough great things!

Luke Morgan-ScottData Analyst at Pogo

This course is superb in a lot of ways: First, Dennis Hume is a great teacher and patiently explains his material. Then, the support from the TAs and Judy is phenomenal. The community is awesome: I totally loved the study group sessions. The course material is created with production-quality code and real life examples.

Ugochukwu OnyekaData Scientist at Benjamin Cole

This course provides a very good structure for learning Dagster and clarifies unclear stuff I had before. It is so much better than trying the Dagster tutorial on the official site by myself. I definitely recommend anyone who wants to try Dagster to take this course. Don't waste the time trying the official tutorial. :)

Kan OuivirachData Product Developer at ODDS