Joseph Rosenbaum
Joseph Rosenbaum
Chief Learning Officer at Synthminds.AI

Joseph Rosenbaum is dedicated to the ethical application and equitable dissemination of AI technologies. With deep expertise in AI and Prompt Engineering, Joseph brings a rare blend of technical acumen and ethical responsibility to the educational space. Committed to fostering a responsible and deliberate approach to AI, Joseph offers attendees accessible and practical insights into the challenges and opportunities that AI presents.

AI & ChatGPT for Everyone
Created and Taught By
Wes Shields - Instructor photo
Principal & Founder of Synthminds.AI
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Joseph Rosenbaum - Instructor photo
Chief Learning Officer at Synthminds.AI
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ChatGPT and Beyond: Advanced Prompt Engineering
Created and Taught By
Joseph Rosenbaum - Instructor photo
Chief Learning Officer at Synthminds.AI
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Wes Shields - Instructor photo
Principal & Founder of Synthminds.AI
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